• Cassette-based multimedia! Can you learn a foreign language using BASIC?

    Welcome back to my Atari 8-bit computers! Okay so first off it’s been over two years and I still haven’t fixed the floppy drive. But I have different magnetic media to talk about today! And we’re going to use this 8-bit computer for something other than games! Look forward to it!

  • Why did we need an Arcade Card?

    I’ve focused on NEC’s failed attempts to build on the PC Engine before on this blog: the two PC Engines taped together that is the SuperGrafx, and the combo nobody wanted with the LaserActive. So let’s give them a break and talk about a simpler add-on, and one that actually had some success: the Arcade Card! Who, Why, What, Where, and How! Well, not Who. I don’t know much about the people who created it.

  • What on Earth is a SuperGrafx?!

    The TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine has been the focus on this blog lately, and that’s totally fine by me. We looked at the LaserActive PAC-N1, a bizarre hybrid between the 8-bit console that could and a LaserDisc player. It had just 11 games! But what if there was another PC Engine spinoff… an earlier one, that had even fewer games… is it possible?

  • From the NES to the PC Engine!

    So, after completing Aspect Star “N” for the NES, I went back to my JavaScript dungeon and continued to work on my games there. But the sweet sound of retro homebrew has called me again, and this time I’ve ended up in the world of the TurboGrafx-16, called the PC Engine by its friends, assuming its friends live in Japan (or France, apparently). Why did I betray Nintendo like this? Let’s take a technical look at the system.

  • Review! The Ugears Hurdy-Gurdy!

    On this blog, you’ve probably noticed that I have a bit of an interest of vintage technology. Today, though, we’re going to take that to a ridiculous point by taking a look at some medieval technology, as I try to put together a wooden kit that mimics a historical instrument. What have I gotten myself into? Will the tips of my thumbs ever recover?

  • Trademarks and Region Locks on the Sega Genesis

    Region locks and licensing restrictions are something that I think most gamers find more frustrating than anything else. Why can’t I just play the game if I have it? And that’s certainly true. Nevertheless, I think they’re interesting from the point of a technical solution to a difficult problem (computers like to run code, it’s what they do), and if you click on a blog post about that, maybe you do too. I’ve seen a lot of misinformation here, so I’m going to try to clear things up.

  • The Pioneer LaserActive: Can Sega do what NEC-tendon't?

    The Sega CD gets a bad reputation nowadays; it’s a very impressive piece of hardware, and has some great games for it. But sometimes I think people just remember the FMV games and also Sega’s later 32X add-on disaster, and write it off. But Pioneer didn’t– they released a PAC for the LaserActive that brings it the full power of the Sega CD. How could this go wrong?