• Fun With 3 Colors: The Vectrex 3-D Imager!

    Oh gosh, I never thought I would get the chance to talk about this– this is one of the coolest devices out there in my book. It’s got everything; vector graphics, colors from a monochrome image, motors, CRTs, failed add-ons for a flopped console, and it’s impossible to screenshot. How do you make a black-and-white screen color?

  • Isn't she just Misunderstood? The Casio Loopy!

    Imagine asking Julius Caesar to review the arcade game Galaga. He lacks the knowledge of space that even children have today, and certainly can’t recognize a spaceship; he keeps going on about how using arrows against bugs is a waste of a perfectly good arrow. Even the high score concept is foreign to a man who doesn’t know about the modern arabic numerals, and anyway, he gets way too interested when you happen to mention a CRT monitor’s discharge could kill a man. Would you really learn anything useful about Galaga from his review? And what is the point of this thought? Nothing, totally irrelevant. Let’s talk about the Casio Loopy!

  • The Pioneer PX-V7 part 2: Laserdiscs!

    The system I constantly come back to here is the Pioneer LaserActive, which overlaid either NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx or Sega Genesis CD graphics on top of analog LaserDisc video. But the LaserDisc as a format dates back to the 1970s; there was nothing stopping this from happening much earlier. After all, the Pioneer PX-V7 MSX computer was made to overlay video and it dates back to 1984. And so now we see, the LaserDisc gaming existed too. BONUS: Things break!

  • Fun with Linedrawing: The GCE/Milton-Bradley Vectrex and the PiTrex

    We’ve talked about interlacing video, and that introduced the fundamental concept of “raster” graphics: a beam that moves across the screen in horizontal lines, and is modulated to create brighter or darker areas. But a cathode ray tube can actually draw lines at pretty much any angle; the raster is just a convenient pattern, but in theory you could draw any vector. And you better get that that’s been taken advantage of. Let’s take a look at the only vector-based home console, and what modern hackers have done with it.

  • The Axunworks Supergun Mini Review, and Overview

    2021 has been the year of the arcade here at this blog. And since I live in a small third-floor apartment with narrow stairs and no elevator, that’s meant using a “supergun”, a device which converts arcade signals into something for my consumer-grade equipment. I’ve been looking to upgrade from my first model (discussed back in February) for awhile, and therefore I turned to Axunworks’ newest model. After quite some shipping delays (2021’s the year of that too), it’s here. How does it shape up?

  • Sound of the 2C33: The Famicom Disk System

    Recently, I attended the 2021 Retro World Expo in Hartford, Connecticut; I had a great time overall. One panel I enjoyed was hosted by the XVGM podcast about the Famicom Disk System, and how sound was recomposed going from the FDS to the western NES, which didn’t have the same sound capability. It was a really interesting panel focusing on the composition side, which made me want to dig into the technical side a bit more. Let’s do that now.

  • The Pioneer PX-V7: MSX Over All?

    To capture a composite video signal and display it on my computer’s output, I need to use an upscaler that converts to an HDMI signal, then an HDMI capture device which in turn communicates with my PC over USB. Then, I can overlay my stupid face over it and send it to Twitch or something. But what if it was 1984? Of course, Twitch wouldn’t exist, nor would HDMI. So what’s the next best thing?